This is only tack welded together
because I don't really know where the throttle pedal will be yet, so for
now I'm going to leave it here. When the other pedal gets installed,
I'll revisit the brake pedal location again and finalize things because
braking apart a tack weld is much easier than something fully

It's been over three months since the last update
to the body section but because I've been working on the fuel system and
battery installation, there hasn't been much time to do anything else.
What we have here is the throttle peddle made by
This peddle is made out of aluminum and is adjustable.

Here you can see that the arm and
shaft have splines which makes it easy to have the peddle anywhere you
want. To hold it in place, you tighten a set-screw on the rear of the
peddle arm.

I needed to drill two holes for the
10-32 bolts that hold the peddle assembly to the firewall. I would have
thought that using a little larger bolt would be better but than again,
what do I know.

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