This was a car in progress and it's a
32 Ford three window. After talking with the owner, the body came all
the way from Australia. I looked at this car for a long time because
Gary and I have been thinking about building one very similar to his. The
big block Chevy was 468 cubic inches but Gary and I would want to go
much bigger on the engine. We figure if your going to go with a big
block, go real big, like over 600 cubic inches big. I might look into the
company that sells these bodies to see how much they are.
What can I say, it was as clean
inside as it was outside.
At first glance, this looked like a 57
Chevy but it's really a Pontiac. You don't see very many of these
anymore which is too bad because they cleanup very nice.
I love the tunnel-ram and two carburetors
sticking out of the hood. The guy next to him had a very nice car too.
If you look real hard, you can see my car way out
in the distance. That's the disadvantage of getting to the show late.
Big rollers, mowing the grass, pinstriped and
airbrushed flames, leather interior and one nice engine compartment.
What more could you ask for in Step-side because this was one nice

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