I found a spot to mount the solenoid
which was on the drivers side of the car in a small channel which could
be used for wires or whatever. The mounting bracket uses two 1/4"
diameter screws to hold it and then uses two 3/16" diameter screws
to hold the solenoid to the bracket. The cable is plenty long which
connects to the trunk latch and will have to be cut to length after the
trunk latch is mounted. Notice the blue tape which had been numbered. I
did this so I could see how far down the trunk latch would have to be
mounted by putting a light in the trunk, then using a mirror that was
placed through the opening in the floor and then seeing how far down it
was when closed.

This is the trunk latch assembly and emergency
release cable by Rocky Hinge Inc. This is a side mount latch but Rocky
also has bottom mount styles too. The reason for the emergency release
cable is in case the battery looses it's charge or the solenoid gives
up, you can still open the trunk. The cable is going to be routed into
the car under the seat attached to a small lever.
I removed the trunk lid and was now
ready to install the latch. I first found the center of the lid and
marked it with a red marker on some blue tape (hiding under the other
tape). I then taped the upper part of the trunk latch to the trunk lid
for a trial fit.

I quickly found out that the latch
needed to fit differently so I cut the end off and welded it back on at
a slight angle. This would be what I needed to work for my application.
It seems like most things need to be either made or modified.
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