The south wall has seen a little bit of a makeover too.
The pegboard continues from the west wall over the workbench and around
the window. I've placed most of the same tools back in their original
because it worked for me then, so it should serve me well now. Notice at
the top a few deer racks that I've shot over the years too.
I removed the shelf from under the workbench and replaced it with
two chests of drawers. I had one chest already and like I said earlier, I
liked it so much that I had to have another (I bought one more of each
storage device that I already had). Now I can get to just about
anything without it being an eye sore anymore. I also added some diamond
plate to a couple places on the bench to dress it up a little.
Another present were these two stools that I got for Fathers Day, which
goes nicely with the rest of the garage now.
As you can see, I trimmed out the door with some remaining diamond
plate and next to that is the second of my wall mounted cabinets. It
stores all my
car detail stuff and a few other things. Notice the new air line that
resides at the end of my workbench now. I should have done that a long
time ago because I use it all the time.
This last section is the east wall (which really isn't much of a wall at
all) and has a couple of new things too. I had some left over shelving so
I bought a few more brackets and now have some matching shelves over
here too. I hung
the tools that I use most often on a wooden rack and I also cut the bottom shelf down
so it only holds two plastic containers in place of three.

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