One of the many gifts they received was this hat that Lenny wore for a few
minutes. Everyone got a good laugh out of it but Lenny didn't care, he liked it.

What you see here is just one of the games they played at the shower. What
you're suppose to do is draw a picture of a baby on the back of a paper
plate, but you had to do while the plate was on your head. The best
looking baby won a prize.

Here is another game which was 'guess which baby food you're tasting'. There
were five different types of baby food that you had to taste but only
the guys seemed to do this one. Here you can see Lenny trying to figure out
just what he's eating. And if you're wondering if I did the taste test,
yes I did, but I swear that one of the spoons was filled with dirt from
one of the flower beds.

All the the brides maids showed up for the baby shower and by the looks on their faces, they all seem
to be having a great time again.

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