Mouse Problems
July 2003
I've been having problems with my
mouse for awhile now but have always cleaned it when it acts up. I own a
track-ball type mouse which means that you don't move the mouse.
Instead, you move the mouse ball with your thumb. The other day I was
doing the normal "take the ball out, clean it with my shirt, then
put it back in routine" when an unexpected problem occurred. See
how the ball comes out? There is a small finger size hole in the bottom
that allows you to poke it out with your finger.

While I was cleaning the ball with my
shirt, it slipped out of my hands and fell to the floor. Now I was
sitting in my chair while doing this with my keyboard tray pulled out
(see the upper picture to set the mood). All I heard was the sound of
the ball bouncing off the floor and then......the weirdest
a pin ball machine (this picture is what you see if you push the
keyboard tray back in). Now what the hell was that weird noise???
As it turns out, the mouse ball went into the hole
in the side of the subwoofer if you can believe that. Now this is a
one-in-a-million shot to make this into the cone shaped hole and to miss
the support that sits next to it. After unhooking the subwoofer (all
four speakers attach in the back along with the volume controls and wall
outlet), I tried to get the ball back out but the path of the hole goes
in for about 4" or so and then takes a 180 degree turn back to the
same side in came from. I couldn't get my hand in there and my wife
couldn't seem to reach it either so I did the shake-rattle-and-roll to
see if I could get it out. After about five of six times doing this, the
ball seemed to wedge it self against something inside and wouldn't come
loose. That meant it was time to do surgery...

To get the subwoofer apart, there's 25
screws that surround the back along with another 20 or so screws that I
didn't know if needed to come out or not so I took all of the outside
ones out first. After removing those screws, I tried pulling on the
heat-sink but nothing happened. This is where I started taking out the
remainder of the screws. After removing 10 or so, I pulled on it again
and the same thing happened....nothing! Now it was time to force a small
screwdriver in between the speaker back and the side walls to see if it
would come loose. Turns out that there was some type of gasket sealer
between the two and that's why it stayed put. After getting the back to
come loose, I couldn't get the power cord to move as it was attached to
the inside somehow. This is as far as I could open it without inflicting
damage to something.

Here you can see where the ball was
caught between some wires, vent tube and the side of the sub. Again my
hands were to big to reach it so I called on my wife once more to help
out. Her hands were just small enough to reach it. Now it was time to
put the whole thing back together and clean the ball like I had planned
in the first place. This little setback took a good hour to finish but
everything worked fine when I got done. It's time to buy a new mouse
this weekend.
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