The router wasn't able to get into the
corner so I had to work this area by hand.
I used a scrap piece of wood as a sanding block which worked great for
this. And it went quickly to.
The next thing I'll be working on is some clear plastic.
I plan on printing out the information for each piece of material and
I'll use this plastic to cover it with, like a plaque would have. At first glance
it looks like I'm machining the wood here. Actually the wood is being
used as a clamping aid, which is helping me hold down the plastic (arrows).
I'll be using three screws to hold the plastic down.
Here I'm drilling the holes for the screws. After drilling I chamfered
them all for flathead screws. I drilled the ends first and then moved to
the center. I did this for both pieces of plastic.
I placed both plastic pieces exactly where I wanted them and held them in
place using tape. Once they were in position, I drilled the screw holes.
Once the holes were drilled, I screwed them in by hand
to make threads in the wood. And wouldn't you know it, two of them broke
off while I was doing this. Now I know better than this because these
screws are made out of brass. What I should have done was
use a screw made out of steel to prevent this from happening. I had to drill them both out
on my milling machine and then re-thread them. This didn't take long but
could have been avoided.
I sanded everything with 180 and then 220 grit
A close up of the base before I put a finish on it.
This is a piece of titanium that got from my work
that started out as a large ring. It
was a scrap piece that I had to machine square first and then I turned
it on a lathe. I used a three jaw chuck to turn it with and as you can see I
didn't have much room for error while doing this. I did this for
all the irregular shaped pieces and once everything was the correct size
and length, I was ready to weigh them all.
One evening when Aidan and his mom, Stefanie came over
for dinner, I had my grandson help me weigh each piece of material. The digital scale
that you see below came from my work and is very accurate. As we used it, I had Aidan write down how much each one weighed (in grams).
The piece on the scale is copper.

In the foreground you can see a box of brass 'standards'. These
standards get
calibrated each year and are used to verify that the scale is weighing correctly.
The piece on the scale is plastic.

I printed out a list of the materials that I'd be using
and you can see Aidan has written down all the weights. I guessed at which one would be the heaviest to the lightest
and I came
close but I had to switch two of them around (arrows). As we weighed all
the pieces I wrote it's corresponding number on each one using a felt marker.
The reason for this is because I wouldn't even know the difference between mild steel and stainless steel
if they were placed side-by-side. Yes, those two metals really do look
the same.
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