Machining Continued
Here I'm cutting four pieces at a time and now I'm using some bar
clamps. These pieces are over 20" long which is just about the limit
that my
milling machine can travel.
Using my hack-saw on all these pieces is
slow but it doesn't tear or chip the wood like my band-saw does.
Here you can see I'm making a different size and
thickness for these blocks. That cut I'm taking is almost 1/2" deep. No
big deal when cutting wood, except that it likes to chip and splinter as
it exits. To work around that, I get close to the end, stop, move to the
side and off the part, move close to the end and then start my cut from
the side. Think "box pattern" here and you'll get the idea.
More cutting and squaring of some larger pieces here.
Cutting some pieces in half to make another size.
These are going to be triangle blocks. I left them oversize during the
milling operation so they would be 2" X 4" when finished.
Here I'm using my vise in a vise to machine the angle. Notice the
work-stop on the left, this way they are all the same size.
I'm making some of the blocks with a 1/2" radius using an end mill. I'm
doing two at a time here.
Here is what they look like.
After some sanding, they're starting to look pretty good.
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