Back to the Bandsaw Continued
Here I'm laying out some sawcut lines on my drawers using a compass.
I placed the pencil above the pointer so I could use the pointer as a
guild while marking my lines.
I finished laying out corners using a 1/4"
radius gauge.
This went pretty good but I did have some problems with
cutting those corners as you can see by the burn marks. One of the
reasons I had trouble is because of the plastic table insert sits just
below the surface, causing my work piece to move when I didn't want it
to move. I have a solution for this but it will require me to make some
tooling and shouldn't happen again in the future.
More Sanding
I sanded all the drawers and then glued on the fronts and backs.
The next day I started sanding on the box. With the belt sanding
attachment having a different size radius on each end, this made it
convenient to use depending on what I was sanding.
Here I'm sanding the outside of all the boxes after the fronts and backs
were glued on. Like I said, lots of sanding...
Final Details
I'm using my router and a 1/8" roundover bit to break the corners of
all the drawer pockets. The reason I'm doing this is to help hide the
not-so straight saw cuts and the saw kerfs.
I also put the same size radius on the fronts of the drawers using my
router table.
Drawer Pulls
I'm going to make some small drawer pulls out of some maple scraps
that I had laying around.
I put a piece in my lathe and tuned it to 1/2" diameter.
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