Milling Machine Continued
I was experimenting with cutters to see what worked and what didn't.
Once I had something I liked I wrote it down on this scrap piece of
wood. I used a 1/2" ball end mill and went .250 deep. Then I used an 82
degree chamfer tool after that.

I ground away the tip on this chamfer tool so it would
clear the bottom of the pocket (arrow). Once I touched the surface with
the cutting tool, I moved down another .060" and chamfered each pocket.
This worked great but I have to be careful when using the digital
readout because it's easy to transpose the numbers. It seems the older I
get, the easier it is for me to make a mistake like this. However,
everything came out fine.
At this point I'm ready to add the numbers along with
the word BINGO at the top. Angela hooked me up with a guy that does
laser work which should work perfect for this project.
March 2022
It's been six months since I've worked on this project
but I finally got the laser work finished. Notice the font style that my
daughter picked out? Angela came up with this font style and made a CAD
file for the laser guy. And her font was grandma approved!
I programmed all the numbers and gave the laser guy a
CAD file to work with for that portion. From there he merged the two files together and
it came out great. Now it's time to remove all the masking tape and
start weeding.
Removing all the pieces of tape is called 'weeding'. See
all those small pieces stuck to the tape? They are pretty small and it
takes awhile to remove them all. The arrows are pointing to the pieces
that came out of the number 8.
With all the tape removed, it's time to put a radius on each corner. I
used a socket for this as I've done many times before. Once I have my
pencil line drawn, it's time to use the belt sander.
I'm using these small rubber bumpers for the bottom. I used some number
6 washers inside the rubber so the screw doesn't deform it. And again,
I've done this on several occasiions.
I used my milling machine to drill the pilot holes for the feet.
I softened the top edges with a 1/8" roundover bit which goes very
I'm going to paint two of the five letters so I'm masking them off.
It might be hard to see but I cut around the lines in the carrot leaving
the tape inside them. This wasn't easy but it should work.
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