Assembly Continued
Here is a close-up of the hands. Notice the round hole on the right and also notice the slot that it has. This spreads open slightly
making it easier to press on. That's a nice feature.
Each mechanism came with a small bag of
hardware. The black washer is rubber and I used it on the front of the
mechanism (against the wood). Then on the clock face I used the larger
brass washer and nut. The two smaller nuts are threaded the same,
depending if you use a second hand or not.
It's Finished
Here it is all finished. Everything came out like I envisioned it.
Here you can see the side with the black paint. Now you can why I didn't
use some nice wood. However, I guess it would look nice if I had used
I like the contrast between the paint and unfinished wood, even though you
won't see it once it's on the wall. And the clock mechanism is very
quiet so I'm very happy with them.
I put the clock on the wall and didn't really like the black hands
against the black area of the target. So I turned the hands over and now
it's much easier to read. These were fun to make and the project didn't
take long either. Now I have to decide who to give them to as presents.

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