The following day I sanded both pieces and made sure the
magnets worked correctly and stayed in place while doing so. If there
were a problem with them (coming loose), now would be the time to
fix them.

Paint Booth
I had some clear urethane on my shelf so I decided to use it. This
one is 'clear gloss' and should look nice once it's dry. I sprayed the
backside (or bottom) like you see below and then moved it to get at the
To get at the top surface while the bottom
was drying, I came up with this idea. I'm using two 1/4" flat head cap
screws in a 2" X 4" spaced apart the same distance as the magnets.
The holes for the screws are 1/4' and are a snug fit.
Once the bottom was coated, I placed the rod holder on the metal screws
and the magnets held it in place for me while I sprayed all the other
surfaces. I used two coats spaced about one hour apart.
It's Finished
Here it is all finished and ready to hold some cleaning rods.
The neodymium magnets work great and provide lots of holding power.
This piece of hard maple looks pretty good.
My cleaning rod looks right at home hanging on my new holder. And it's
easy to get at and should provide years of service for me. Not bad for
some old scrap wood laying around.
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