Here are the three larger boards. Lucky for me you
can't see every square inch of them.
When Angela came over during the final stages of me making
these and she just happen to ask me, "did you get a chance to start on
the clipboards yet"? I told her that I was just finishing them and once
she looked at the larger ones, she liked this one the best. She also
picked the clip style that you see below.
The species of wood from left to right: Mahogany, black walnut, oak,
mahogany, hard maple, black walnut, oak, black walnut and last is
believe it or not black walnut again.
This one will be a birthday present for my other daughter Stefanie. Being that I only had one of the antique brass clips, she gets the
polished nickel. The species here are: hard maple, mahogany, black
walnut, figured maple, black walnut, mahogany, hard maple.
And this one I decided to keep for myself. But I really thought Angela would want
this one. The species in this one is symmetrical: Oak (the small strips
from the molding), black walnut and maple.
In this shot you can see the thickness along with the
clip. Unfortunately, you can also see some of the ugly surface too.
Here are the smaller ones, which came out about the
same as the larger ones.
Close-up of the 3/8" thickness and one of the better
areas on the clear finish.
This is the small one I'll be giving to Stefanie which has matching
clips. The species from top to bottom are: Oak, black walnut, curly
maple, black walnut, mahogany, hard maple and black walnut.
I ended up with three different clip finishes for the smaller ones but
only two for the larger ones. This polished brass clip didn't match the
others so I decided to keep this one as well. Hard maple, mahogany and
black walnut were used here.
Here is the other one Angela picked out and it has a matching antique brass
clip. This smaller board has 10 pieces of wood in it, which are Curly
maple, black walnut, oak, hard maple and mahogany.
Note the fasteners don't go through which makes them look nice and easy
to sit most anywhere.

This 5" X 8" inch note pad fits perfect and is ready for action. I hope
the kids like them because they should come in handy and provide years
of good use.
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