I'm going to make a rack to hang wet clothes on instead
of hanging them on the door molding like we've done for years. This rack
will still use a clothes hanger to hold the clothes with but should be a
much better option in place of using the above the door method.
I'll be using scraps for this project, except for the
piece of Alder that you see below because that was cut this from a
longer piece. Anyways, let's get started on this rack.
I'm using my table saw to cut the 4" width of my main
piece below, which will hold all the other components.
The other two pieces are maple and black
walnut. The black walnut is going to be the movable arms and will be
fastened to the maple pieces later.
I'm cutting off the corners of these pieces because I'll be putting a
full radius on them. This radius is just for looks and won't be
I sanded to the line on my belt sander which made fast work of it.
I rounded over both ends of the arms using the belt sander before I drilled any holes.
Speaking of drilling, this piece will pivot up and down using a single
screw below. I'm
countersinking for that screw head here.
This towel rack is something I replaced in our house very soon after
moving in because it was too short. And now after almost 10 years I'm
using it again. The diameter of the tube is 3/4" and still looks pretty
I'm making a pocket that is 3/8"deep for the tubing above.
The piece of maple below is going to be used as a stop
for the movable arm. If you look close you'll see one leg is parallel to
one side and the other is angled. This is by design because when the
arms are in the upper position I wanted them to be over center so they
wouldn't accidentally fall. Cutting these on my bandsaw went very
Here I'm milling the angles for the arms to rest on.
These pieces were easy to make because I used a milling machine, but I
could have just used my bandsaw and then sanded them. I know these parts
are overkill because I could've used pins in place of these pieces.
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