I put five coats of clear on the red area so it will take the abuse of
the bags.

I had problems with these boards right at the end while finishing the
logos. Speaking of the logo, Angela made the stencil for me and I did
the paint.

After talking with the kids about the screws that were going to show, we
decided to plug them...after all the paint was done. And this is where I
had some problems, as you can see.

I have five coats of polyurethane on the top and inside the hole.

Come to find out, this plywood has a very thin layer on top because I
ended up sanding through it while working on the plugs.

These hinges makes carrying them very easy, but they are still kinda

Here are the bags that I bought that matches pretty good. And the rope
is to help getting the two boards the correct distance apart, which is
27 feet. With the bags stored at this end of the board, this will help
offset the weight of the legs at the other side.

I only painted the legs and not the inside of the box because it turns
out this paint wants to stick to itself.

Tony's bags came in a nice bag.

Black and red seems to work here.

I hope both kids like their boards because they should provide years of
fun for each of them.
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