I had a request to make two cutting boards but they had
to be a specific size. The dimensions will be: 16" X 10" and 13" X 9".
However, the species of wood was not a concern to the person buying them
so I picked out all the types and colors.
Woodworking Time
Below I'm gluing up the center for the larger board. The
pieces above are black walnut, maple, cherry, alder and hidden is
The next day I started working on the piece I glued up.
Now this wood came from the pallet that my bandsaw was delivered on so
I'm not sure what it is. But it sure does smell good when I'm cutting
Here I'm resawing some cherry on my new bandsaw, which worked great.
Those darker lines are where I stopped and started my
cuts. This is because I'm using a 1/2" wide blade that came with my saw,
but I should be using one that is 3/4" in width or wider. However, those
lines are no big deal because once I run them through my planer they
will look fine. Looks like I'll have to buy the right one soon.
Here is more pallet material going through my planer.
Here I'm gluing the smaller board using my parallel clamps.
The next day I ran both boards through my planer and then used my table
saw to skim the sides and square the ends.
I'm using some sockets to layout two different corner radiuses. Then I
used my belt sander and sanded to the line.
Here I'm hand sanding the corners so every blends properly.
Then it was time to sand both sides with my DA sander.
I'm drilling pilot holes for the feet here on my milling machine. This
goes fast and now it's time to put a finish on it.
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