Working With Aluminum Continued
Here is something I don't do very often, turn a piece round on my
milling machine.
I'm holding my cutting tool in my vice and then placed
the threaded end of the bolt into a 3/8" collet. Then you just take
light cuts while pulling down on the quill. You could do the same thing
on a drill press, as long as the vice was clamped down properly.
Here is the laser pointer that I'll be using. Unlike
some other laser pointers, this one has single throw, single pole
switch, like you'd find on a flashlight. However, most laser pointers
have a momentary on/off switch, which won't work for this application.
This laser pointer is really a bore-sighting tool for a
12 GA shotgun. It has all aluminum construction, it's red anodize and
it's made really well.

Here is the on/off switch that is made out of thick
rubber and uses two thin batteries. This will work perfect for the
people playing the game and I believe this will be hidden only to be
found once you've solved some other kind of clue. That rubber area can double
as a snap-cap if you chambered it in your firearm.

Now it's time to make something to hold the laser
pointer. I squared some thicker aluminum as my starting point. This will
make sense once you see the following operations.
I drilled a clearance hole first and then I bored
through the block. If you look close at the laser pointer you can see
it has three different diameters, which is what I have below. And yes, I'll
wait while you check out the laser pointer above one more time.
I made an end plate that will keep the laser pointer
from falling out. This plate is 1/8" thick and will be held on with two
6-32 flathead screws. You can also see the two clearance holes in the
side of the block that will be used to hold this onto the 3.0" round
piece that I made earlier.
Now if you're wondering how I'm going to get the laser pointer into the
block, keep on reading and it will become clear.
I milled away the excess material down to the center of the bore, which
is now perfect to except the laser pointer without any movement. All
you do is drop it in and that's it.
Here is what it looks like with the laser pointer resting in place. And
it fits exactly, without any slop.
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