The Old Base
This old looking thing is what I made years ago because the original
one broke in half. I plan on using this again but I'll clean it up and
paint it first.

I made this out of 3/8" thick steel and don't think it will break.
There are 24 holes that are used to adjust the angle of the pole which
worked great before. One thing I'll need to do here is drill the center hole
to 1/2" diameter. I figure with all the extra weight, I'll need a stronger

What I'm doing here is making a plate that will go on the
back side of the fascia board that I'll be fastening the base to. I'm
using 1/8" aluminum for the plate and I'm getting ready to put holes in it. To make
sure the holes are in the right location, I used my transfer punch to
mark each spot.

I removed the clamps (from above) and used a 3/32" drill
to pickup the spots the transfer punch left. Once the smaller holes were
in the right spot, I used a slightly larger drill to get close the final
size. Then I re-clamped the backing plate to the base again and drilled
through each hole. That made sure they were all in the right spot.

This was easy to do and it went quickly. Now I could
have used the large washers, like I had before, but with all the extra
weight of the new pole, I wanted to make sure nothing came loose. What
do I mean by things coming loose? As the flagpole moves in the wind, the
bolts that go through the fascia board will move slightly. And when that
happens, the washers on the back being small tend to work themselves
into the wood and slowly come loose. However, using a large plate like
this distributes the load out much better. And I'll be using lock-nuts
here as well.

Time For Paint
I'm going to paint the pole and bracket with white paint and the flag
brackets and topper will have clear on those pieces. I like contrast
which is why I'm using the clear, plus this will also protect the
aluminum so it doesn't corrode as quickly.

I'm getting ready to start painting in my fancy paint booth.

Now that looks much better do you think?

Now it's time to add some 1/8" pins to my new piece. If you remember, I
drilled 12 holes in it so now it's time to install them.

With this many pins I'm hoping nothing will break. And if they do, I'll
just have to use some larger ones.
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