Round 2 Continued
I used the same clamp method as I did the first time.
Here I'm machining it very close to the
bottom and then I'll sand it flush.
Now that's a little better wouldn't you say?
Back to Making Some Bowls Continued
After everything was sanded, I applied mineral oil on
them. However, I used a very fine Scotch Brite pad (white) to apply the
mineral oil with. This helps remove all the smaller wood fibers while it
works the oil into the wood.
A few hours later I wiped off the excess oil and applied
some of this Wood Wax. Now this is the first time I've used this but it
seemed to work just fine. Note: if you ever use this wax, keep it in the
house because it works much better if it's warm. I applied it with a
micro fiber cloth and wiped it off with on as well.
It's Finished
I like the wax surface in place of just mineral oil. In fact, I used
the wax on a
cutting board I made awhile back.
This one has some soft edges on top.
I like the layered look here.
Good looking black walnut.
Maple, poplar, cherry and black walnut.
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