When I was in the planning stages for this project, I
knew that I wouldn't be cutting all the way through but I wanted to put
a 3/16" radius on all the top surfaces. What I did was go down about
halfway with the 3/8" end mill (arrow), switched to my 3/16"
corner-rounding end mill (to radius all the top surfaces), then
changed back to the 3/8" end mill and went down to within 1/8" of the
bottom. The lip at the bottom is what's leftover after using the
bandsaw. If you're wondering about all the lines that you see, those are
.200" apart which is how deep the 3/8" end mill went for each pass. I
probably could have went deeper for each pass but I didn't want anything
unexpected to happen so I played it safe here.
I used my belt sander to get close but not
finish sand with it. The material on the right is what's left from the
bandsaw. This operation went nice and fast but you really had to pay
attention to avoid touching the surface because that would require even
more hand sanding.
After the belt sander I used my sanding block with 100 grit paper to
remove the remaining lip (arrow). This was a lot of work because of all
the cutter marks (that I mentioned above) and the large surface.
The lip has been removed from the outer surface and now it's time to
start on the inside.
Here is what it looks like once I was finished sanding. I used 100, 180
and 220 grit sandpaper to remove all the cutter marks. It took about
three hours of sanding per tray and I'm happy with the results.
The center pocket is 1/2" deep and is where a dish will sit that holds
dip or salsa.
I bought the dish, measured it and then machined the pocket.
Here you can see the rounded edges that are nice and smooth now.
Same thing with the inside.
I used mineral oil to protect the wood and wanted to show a before and
after shot. Now I could have used vegetable oil here, which I have on
other food related wood projects: either one works great. The reason for
using mineral or vegetable oil is because they are none toxic compared
to some water or oil based products.
The kids should get years of use from them and they hold lots of chips.

The maple makes a nice contrast with the mahogany.

Looks like a large football don't you think?

Chips and salsa anyone?
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