Working With Wood Continued
The recess's are the same diameter but they look different because of
the slot sizes.
Here is what the small bottle shelf looks
like now. This took some time but I'm very happy with the results.
Making A Small Change
After making the cubby-hole pieces 1/4" shorter, I decided to do the
same thing with all the bottle shelves. Here I'm removing 1/4" on my
tablesaw, which went nice and fast.
Next I ran them all through my router table again, and then I had to
blend all the edges by hand-sanding...again. But I think they look better this
way so it was worth it.
Working With Wood Continued
I need to cut all my dowels down to 1/2" long because they came 1
1/4" long. This worked out fine because I can get two pieces from each
one. I bought three packs of these so I would have enough.
Below are 14 dowels on this side alone. And the there
are two more at the other end of each of those piece. In total I used
about 120 dowels. I did some dry fitting and almost everything fits
good. I'll still need to fine tune a few spots but at this point I'm
finished with all the shelves and outer pieces. Oh, I'll be gluing and
clamping all these areas later.
With all the shelves finished, it's time to make some
drawers. The drawer fronts will be made out of purple heart but the
rest of them will be made out of alder. If you remember at the beginning I
re-sawed some 3/4" thick pieces and then ran them through my thickness
planer, which gave me a thickness of just over 5/16". This
thickness will work fine for the fronts but the other drawer components
will be thinner.
I'm also going to use this material for one other area,
a piece that will help hold the oil bottles from sliding off the
shelf. The oil bottle pieces will be 1/4" thick and will end up
with a full radius on the top and bottom surfaces. Then these pieces
will go into a slot in the adjacent side pieces, like a mortice and
tenon joint. So think of
this piece as the tenon and you'll get the idea.
Here are my pieces for the oil bottle shelf (one piece per spice rack). These are cut to length,
and now I need to put a full radius on the long sides.
I'm using a 1/8" roundover bit for this which worked
pretty good. I also had to do some hand sanding to blend everything.
I'm using the same 1/4" end mill that I used for the dowels below. Think
of this step as the tenon The depth is 1/4" by 1.0" long.
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