We have a new pet as of November of last year and I
named him Theo. He was born September 2, 2023 and he is a pure bread AKC
Golden Retriever given to me by my daughter Angela. In fact, he was the
last one born and was the runt of the littler. First a
little back story: Angela's female Golden had puppies (five males, two
females) and she wanted to know if I
would like one. You know...with being retired and all she thought this
would be a good fit. Now I initially told her no, but then
she called me again when people were starting to come over and look at
them. At the seven week mark she asked one more time if I wanted one.
Well, this got me thinking because it would be really cool to have a dog
that would hangout with me in the garage and just to have fun with
You see, I had a female Golden Retriever back in the
early 90's and her name was KD (Kevin's Dog) but pronounced Katie. She
was super smart, I could teach her just about anything and she would do
it. Once she passed away 13 years later I've missed her terribly, but
life goes on.
Anyways, having another dog had been on my mind ever
since she mentioned it, but this time I told her that if the
one she had picked out for me was still available (she initially named
him Ben) then I knew God
wanted me to have him. And sure enough he wasn't picked by anyone so
that meant I was getting another dog. BTW, Theo means "Gods Gift".

With all that being said, I really don't have a very
good yard for a dog because it has all kinds of smaller rocks in a large
water feature, lots of plants throughout the yard with rubber bark in
all the planters along with various other things for an animal to get
into that's not good for them. However, one of the things I didn't want
Theo to dig up or bite into or tear up was my sprinkler valves on the side
of the yard. That brings me to what this project is all about, building something
that will go around my six sprinkler valves that will keep Theo from
damaging them. In this picture he's five months old, however, he's
almost six months old now and has some big paws to fill to be like my
old one.
Here is the side yard that my sprinkler valves reside,
which are behind that portable white fence. I plan on putting plaster
sand, (which is like wash sand) over here so he can do his business in
place of going in the grass where it is dying from his pee. This area is
pretty much useless because it's only 40" wide but it's 32 feet long,
which should work great for a bathroom.
This is part of a pet play-pen that Angela loaned me and I used part of
it here to temporally blocking those valves.

Working With Steel
What you see below is 3/8" diameter mild steel round bar that I'll be
making the cage out of. I bought five 20 foot lengths and had them cut
in half to bring them home.
My metal cutting saw made quick work of cutting all the steel. Notice I'm
using the support for a work stop. I do this for pieces that are longer
than my shorter work stop will handle.
After cutting two pieces to length, I was ready to start
bending them. These two pieces will be bent into a U shape and will become
the frame if you will. Once I had the points marked on my round bar, I
used my milling machine table to clamp them down with. I've done this type
of bending many times on here because of how solid the setup is. The
3/4" galvanized pipe is for leverage while bending.
Here's a better look at the pipe I used. And as you can see the 3/8"
round bar is extended out next to my belt sander.
Now it's time to start bending the L shaped pieces that will end up
being three inches apart. There will be 15 of these total.
Here I'm laying out for the L shaped pieces on the U shaped main piece.
This was easy to do using my combination square.
After an hour or so this is what it looks like after welding. And you
can also see the two U shaped pieces as well.
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