Working With Wood Continued
The next step was to glue all the half-lap joints together. To
make sure I put all the glue right where it needed to be, I applied it
using a small paint

I didn't use any clamps to hold things together here, I
used gravity instead. Notice the scrap pieces placed under the rack at the top and bottom. Those cross
pieces are literally hanging on the other pieces putting constant
pressure on the glue joint. This worked out well and everything bonded

I'm using picture hanging hardware at each end so I can place these on a
wall. There won't be much weight on these racks so this method should
work good.

Gloss back for all the X's. But what about all of the O's? Hang in

It's Finished
Here is the rack all finished. I did put some satin spray clear on
these racks after I took the pictures, which makes the wood a little

I didn't put any clear on the X's because these are protected with the
gloss black paint.

Now you can see what I'm using for the O's.
Here is the rack mounted at my daughter's business at
Open Door Escape Games in
Redlands, CA.

I put one in each bathroom, which is right across from of the toilet. If
someone needs a new roll of TP it close by. This was a fun project and
the O's should come in handy for some of her customers.
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