Working With Steel Again
I had some old chain laying around and decided to incorporate it into
this project. I'm going to use two short lengths to hold the plaque up with.
I used my angle grinder with a cut-off wheel again to slice through the chain.
After cutting a few different lengths, I thought six links would look
right. I plan on bolting this chain to the plaque but I'll need
something to thread the bolts into.
What I came up with was to use 1/4-20 nuts, but I had to
sand them down so they would fit into the links. I threaded two of them
onto a bolt and then used my belt sander to make them round until they
fit the chain links.
Next I used a scrap piece of wood and made a test slot for the chain to
rest in. Then I put two tack welds on each side of the nuts. Looks like
this is going to work out good.
A few minutes later this is what had. The chain will rest against the
wood plaque and the bolt will thread into my custom made nut.
Here is my plaque and I'm milling a slot in the back of
it for my chain to sit in (one on both sides). I drilled a clearance
hole at both locations for the bolts in place of the threads. This way
the bolts will hold the chain to the plaque better.
It's time to work on another piece that will work with the chain. And
all I have to do is get them out of those two bottom pieces that are
1/4" thick and I'm good to go. Can you guess what I'm making?

I machined both pieces square and then drilled and reamed a 3/16" hole
in one end on both pieces. This was necessary because it's easier to hold
them now.

I drilled two holes in one of the pieces while they were still
rectangular. Any guess's yet?
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