Electrical Continued
The cord will be hidden under the base and should work good like this.
Protective Finish
Here I'm applying some oil based semi-gloss polyurethane to both bases and the juniper. This product is made by Zarr
and works great.
My second lamp will have a different center piece made out of aluminum
tubing. Here I've painted the tubing and the adapter piece for the other
Final Details
To keep the cord in place, I used a few staples.
I cut out some felt for the bases to slide on. Here I'm spraying the felt and
bases with adhesive. Wait five to 10 minutes and then stick them
I bought these six inch lamp harps thinking they would
work good for this project. However, they were almost too short because
I had to modify both of them so the light bulb would fit inside them. I
ended up bending and tweaking them, changing the upper radius and I had
to shorten the light bulb socket, just so the bulb would fit. I should have
bought the seven inch length instead of these. Hindsight!!
I'll be using antlers on the base of this lamp. I plan on gluing them
on and have numbered each one to make sure I get them back in the order
I mocked up earlier.
I'll attach them to the base using five minute epoxy,
which should work pretty good. I sanded each antler base so it sits like
I wanted. Then I sanded through the clear finish on the lamp base in the
exact spot the antler will sit. Once the epoxy sets up, I then added
another antler to the base with it toughing the first one. Where the two
antlers touched together, I applied a small amount of epoxy to that spot
as well. This should help keep them all in place.
Once all the antlers were glued on, it was time to trim
the height of the center rod. I left this rod long on purpose until I
had the lamp shade installed to make sure things looked right. I cut off
three inches first and then looked at it. I thought another inch and a
half would look about right and then called it good.
I sanded some paint off near the bottom and then used epoxy to hold the
rod in place.
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