Now that's better. It went on smoother
this time but what a pain this turned out to be. You know the old saying
"It bolts right up"....yeah right!!

The bottom pulley went on allot easier
than the top one did. It too has two grooves for the same reason the top
one does. All I had to do was take out the damper bolt, screw on the
pulley and reinstall the damper bolt which gets torqued to 65 lbs. These
sure do look nice but will be a lot of work to keep them that way because they're
polished aluminum and not chrome.

I finally decided to install the carburetor and
throttle cable bracket. Now this is a simple job (did I really say that)
to do so lets get started. The first thing to do was install the carburetor
studs. These were on one of the "engine" pages made by ARP and
are made out of stainless steel. After double-nutting the studs and
tightening them down, I was now ready for the carb. As you can see,
things are starting to take shape.

The throttle cable bracket is made by
CSI and was shown in the engine section as well. This bracket also has a
place for a return spring too. The area toward the right of the bracket
is where the throttle cable goes through and has a screw to keep it in

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