33 Coupe Engine Install 9
Here are the different springs and
bushings that come packaged with the distributor. The spring diameters
get smaller with the different colors. The blue ones are toward the
middle and the ones next to them are the lightest. MSD has a slick chart
that shows you which spring combinations to what along with the
bushings. After looking at the many settings available, I chose one that
will have 'Total Advance" at about 2300 RPM.

All you do is remove the old springs
with needle-nose pliers and then install the new ones making sure that
they set in the groove on the pins. To achieve the curve that I wanted,
I had to use two different springs, one blue and one silver. I left the
bushing that came installed alone because it seemed to be the right one.
If this combination doesn't work out, it's easily changed later because
it's right under the cap and rotor. Stock ones are placed deeper into
the housing like under points and condenser so this is no big deal to
work on if need be.

After the advance curve was installed,
the rotor went on next. We're now ready to install the distributor into
the engine. To do that, you have to bring the number one piston up to
TDC (Top Dead Center). By using a breaker-bar to spin the motor, I
removed the valve cover (drivers side) to be able to see the rocker arms
move. Now you can get the distributor in 180 degrees off if you don't
look at the rockers. Or you can pull a spark plug out and crank the
engine around till you have it on the compression stroke but I don't
have a battery yet the rocker method will have to do. All you do is
watch the valves open and close. When the intake opens and then closes,
you are getting close to TDC so you start watching the timing pointer
till it reads zero. When it does, your there and now you can slide the
distributor in. Now everyone has a different place they like to have
there number one plug wire and mine is facing toward the number one cylinder.
By rotating the engine around a couple of times, you can check that
everything came out right and that the oil pump shaft engaged with the
distributor. When finished, install the distributor cap and snug down
the distributor hold down. That's about it for now but when the engine
fires for the first time, I'll be putting a timing light to it before I
tighten down the hold down for good.

After taking the above picture, I
looked outside and just had to take a shot of the sky. What a beautiful
sunset this was. If you look close, you can see what looks like an upside-down
bird head with a large beak. Yeah I know...I know.....I'm tripp'n!

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