Another view from the upper level.
Fossil Wall is a 43 foot long wall artfully showcasing 100
diverse dinosaur specimens such as bones, teeth, eggs, footprints, skin
patches, and coprolites (fossilized droppings). The fossils range from
over 200 million years old to 65.5 million years old. They also range in
size from giant 5 feet long, 300 pound bones to tiny 1/32 long teeth.
Platecarpus was about 25 feet long which was considered
medium length and lived in the oceans around North America. Platecarpus
is Greek for 'flat wrist' (which described their large steering
flippers) and lived 65 to 75 million years ago. He had a long sleek
body, short skull with few teeth and its diet was probably smaller fish
like shellfish and squid.
The Gem and Mineral Hall has more than 2,000 spectacular
specimens within two large galleries that comprise what is considered to
be one of the finest exhibits of gems and minerals in the world. This
large exhibit room is over 6000 square feet and features an incredible
array of gems and minerals from all over the globe as well as an
extensive collection of California specimens.
These stones came from California which has the greatest variety of any
other state.
The Hixon Gem Vault is a 1500 square foot room which
holds all the precious gem stones. To keep this room secure it has a
huge steel bank vault type door. There are about 15
separate stunning displays that fill the room which are all housed under
lighted glass.
Lots of great looking Opals here but that large one is 2200 carats, is just
smaller than a pool ball and came from South Australia. It's impressive
to say the least!

The Gem and Mineral Hall houses only a small fraction of the Museum’s
extensive collection, which now includes more than 150,000 specimens.

This iron meteorite was over one foot long but didn't have tag telling
of its weight. I'm guessing a couple of hundred pounds at least.

This is one of the largest flawless Quarts crystal balls in the world.
It's 10.9 inches in diameter, weighs 65 pounds and is on loan from the
Smithsonian Institution.
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