Close up of the thrusters and tiles.
Here is a good look at the nose cap which
is made of Reinforced Carbon Carbon.
This shot is right under the nose cap and under this door is the landing
Close-up of some tiles and note the white and red area which were
damaged on her last flight.
This unit which goes into the cargo bay is called
SPACEHAB and was used for extra work space. Approximately 1,100 cubic
feet, all pressurized to create a comfortable, safe working environment
for astronauts and weighs 3000 pounds. SPACEHAB gave astronauts extra
living space aboard the shuttle, as well as room to do science
experiments and store
supplies and tools. A tunnel connected the pressurized unit to the
orbiter’s crew compartment so astronauts could reach it and work inside
it without putting on spacesuits. SPACEHAB modules flew on the shuttle
18 times, and the first and last SPACEHAB missions were flown on
This wraps up the space shuttle visit which I highly
recommend if you get the chance. Now let's check out some other
areas of the California Science Center.
These two fighter jets hang above you as you make your way towards the
second floor. The entrance to the building is to the right.
Also hanging from the ceiling are a large amount of satellites.

As my wife and I were walking down this hallway I happen
to see some people standing to the side of me so I decided to have some
fun with them. Here is what I said to my wife while we were walking,
"check out those big ol' ceiling fans up there"!! The people looked at me...then up at the vast array of vintage satellites...and
then back at me. I could almost here them thinking, 'what the in world
is wrong with that guy'!!

These vintage satellites ranged from large to very small.

I didn't see any info on this airplane but I thought it looked cool with
it's radial engine along with a wooden prop. We sure have come a long
way since this was built.
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