To weld the new brackets on, I needed
a way to get underneath it so I decided to lift it with a hoist. By
putting a couple of 4 X 4's under a some 2 X 4 channel iron that went across
the ceiling joists, this would be a way I could hang the hoist.

This is what it looks like after
lifting the rear of the chassis to be able to get under it and weld
those brackets on. I ended up lifting it to about a 45 degree angle for
enough clearance. It's not pretty but it works.

Here you can see the bracket in place
with some clamps holding it ready to weld. The first weld was from the
back of the bracket (through the existing 4 link bracket).

Here I am welding the first of two
welds from the rear. I had to go between the existing bracket and weld
as far as I could which ended up being about two inches long. Then it
was time to move to the other side and weld the remaining length of the
new bracket (you can see what I mean by looking at the picture above).

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