The transmission mount got here today
and now it's time to try it out and see if it fits. It's made by the
same company as my motor mounts are which is
Energy Suspension.

The two piece design using the back-up
plate is like my engine mounts are and has to be used. I'll be using the
two bolt mounting. I'll be trying the mount on for size tonight so I can
mark it and then I can put the slots in the new cross member.

This is the transmission tunnel under
the car. Nothing has been altered here....yet. After bolting on the transmission
mount, things didn't fit anymore. I needed about a 1/2" or so of
clearance to
make everything fit. So....out came the die-grinder with a carbide burr
to make some room.

Now this sucks....BIG TIME being in
snow like conditions of falling fiberglass. I could only take about two
to three minutes of this at a time and then had to get some air. After
fitting the trans....then taking it back out....grinding some
more....then fitting again....about four times, I had more clearance
which is a good thing. The bad thing is that the transmission cross-member
ends up at an angle when the bolts are tightened. It's like I need to
raise the transmission a lot more to make things right. Looks like I
have another problem to solve.

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