What I did to solve the transmission
mounting problem was to modify the mount it self. By welding on some
angled pieces to the ends, I was able to have everything line up. The
angle on those end pieces are 4 degrees. I didn't want to do it this way
but it seems to work.

With the top side at four degrees, the
bottom would be at the same angle which would put the four mounting
bolts at an angle too. That would put a bind on the bolts so to correct
that, I counter-bored the bolt head mounting surface to compensate for
it. Now everything goes together with no problems....so far. I guess the
only way to know for sure is to get the transmission and engine in there
and find out.

This is what it looks like under the car where the
transmission will go. The lighter area is where I had to grind clearance
to make it fit which is about 3/8" deep. With the help of the old
transmission case I used from my friend, the new one should fit right
in. At least that's the plan so stay tuned!

While I was mounting things, I thought
I would install the brake pedal. Now this has a tab welded to the end
for the brake pad that goes inside for your foot to push on and sticks
out to the side about 2". I had to make clearance for this tab and
the rest of the arm so it would pass through the firewall. The first
step was to mark where the hole would be.

By swinging the brake pedal up to the
firewall, I marked the location on either side of the arm using a
scribe. Now it was time to make some starter holes with a drill.

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