I'm going to have to move some brake
lines as well. In this shot, there are two lines coming out of my master
cylinder. I have to re-route the front line because it will be in the
way of the exhaust tubing and mufflers. I figure better safe than sorry.

After removing the old line, I made
another one (from the left over stainless tubing that I used for the
rear sway bar project) and used my old fittings. Here is the new line
ready to be installed.

Here you can see the new line in
place. I made it so it goes under the master-cylinder and then to the
frame. This gives me another one to two inches of room to work with from
front to back.

The brake line to the right will be
relocated as well because of muffler clearance problems. Now this will
be a two-fold fix here. In this shot, you are looking right where the
exhaust tubing will be run (red circle). The brake line runs along the
"X" member to the other side of the car. By moving the
"T" back about six inches, this will put it inline with the
cross brace that the driveshaft runs through. By running the line across
the lower part of this cross brace to the other side, I can avoid
over-heating brake line problems caused by the mufflers being within 1/8" of them. The opening of this "X" member is only 4
1/2" and the mufflers are 4 1/4" so if I split the difference when
I install them, this would be too close.

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