To keep the engine from making to many
harmonics, a damper has to be used and the one I went with is made by
Fluidampr. What makes this one so special is that is really has a fluid
in it.

This is looking at the front and they
come in many sizes. The one I bought is 7 1/4" in diameter. The way
I understand it is if you can get a big one on your motor, then do it.
The size below this on is only 6" in diameter. Because I had the
clearance to use the larger one, I did. If you notice the three holes in
the face, these will be used for the bottom pulley later.

Here is a shot of the back that faces
the engine. In case you wondered where the damper goes, it bolts up to
the end of the crankshaft that pokes through the timing cover. This also
has a keyway that locates the damper which plays a very important roll.

This keyway lines up the crankshaft
with the number one cylinder so you can time your engine. If the keyway
wasn't there, it might slip and there would be no way to time it again.
Speaking of timing, Fluidamper has put the timing marks in for you. They
are marked every 90 degrees. It's also marked from 0 to 50 advanced to
minus 10 degrees retarded. All I have to do later is make sure the
keyway is in the right spot and if not, I show you how I plan get around
it. It won't surprise me if it's not right because very few are.

Yep you guessed it, another opportunity
to get there hands on something else.

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