I removed the head and measured the
distance between the two pieces which was .450". I made two pieces
that were 1" X 1.400" X .450" out of Aluminum and drilled
and tapped two 1/4-20 holes through the spacer.

This is the other side where I used
some socket head cap screws (with some Lock-tite on the threads) to
fasten the plate and spacer together in the center of the plate. Now
this plate has a taper to it (the top of the plate is thicker than the
bottom) along with the raised lettering on top of it. I had to counter-bore
this surface to make sure the bolt head would sit flat and parallel to the
bottom. You can't tell that here but it is.

Now this looks better :-]
I didn't know that the plate center wouldn't be the same as the heads
center but it's close enough because it works. Time to install the head
bolts so I put some assembly
lube on the underside of the bolt heads, both sides of the washers and
on the threads of the bolts. Now the bolts I'm using are made by ARP and
the paper that came with them said to torque the bolts down to 70 pounds
if your not using there lube but were using oil. If you are using there lube,
set the torque wrench for 65 pounds. They also recommend that If your
using Aluminum heads to torque the bolts down to 60 pounds because of
the expansion of the Aluminum. So 60 was the number I set the wrench at
and torqued all 17 bolts down. Now that the heads are on, I can remove
the tape in the valley of the block....don't want to forget that ya

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