This is the engine block gett'n ready
for some paint. I masked all the non painted areas along with putting
some old screws in all the threaded holes so I don't have
to worry about cleaning them later. This will be a three stage paint process.
Primer (which doesn't count in the stages), base coat, color coat and
then clear goes on top.
Notice the small cutouts above the
freeze plugs (half-rounds). Those areas will be seen which is under the
heads when everything is assembled. It's all about the details like I've
said before. The first thing that has to be done is to shoot some primer.
This is the base coat before the color
goes on. I didn't show it but primer was shot before the base went on. All the paint that goes on here
has to be shot in a certain time frame or things don't bond correctly so
planning ahead is the key here.

This is a close-up of the base coat so you can see the metallic
in it. The color also has metallic in it but the way the two go
together, they don't take away from one another. Let's see what it looks
like with the color on it....

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