It's head time....what I mean is it's
time to work on my heads....cylinder heads that is. There are couple of
things that need/want to do before I bolt them on. The first thing to do
is take them apart but before I do, I want to number each valve so they
go back into the same pocket they came out of. I put numbers 1 - 8 on
each valve and 9 - 16 on the other head. How am I going to know which
ones go where? Notice the numbers in the pockets on the bottom of the
head. Number 1 on the left and 8 is on the right. This should take care
of the which valve goes in which head later. What I'm going to do is
check to make sure the valve job was done correctly and do some porting

To take the heads apart, I borrowed
this valve spring compressor from my buddy Gary which makes disassembly
easy. It works with compressed air and has two buttons. One for clamp
and the other for unclamping. It also has an adjustable screw for long
and short valves. The plunger end goes against the valve and the other
end rests on the spring. The spring end is shaped so it won't come loose
while it's clamping.

By placing the tool on the spring, all
you do is push the clamp button and the spring compress's. Now you have
to reach in and remove the valve locks (the two small items next to the
tool) and then push the other button (slowly because you don't want the
spring to fly) to unclamp the tool.

Here we have the springs (yeah there's
two there), locks, valve and spacer off the head. All I need to do now
is 15 more and we can get started with our project.

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