January thru May  2007

33 Coupe Having Fun 49       5/30/07

This is looking the opposite way and the cars are lined up all the way down to the end of those trees (which is about four blocks away). Oh, I forget to mention that the circus showed up (PT Cruisers).



This 1932  roaster pickup was very nice. You don't see many engines with tunnel-ram on them anymore so this was cool to see. 




Yet another new car for me and what a nice one it was. This 1937 Ford was very nice.



This 1958 Corvette looked like it was just driven off the show room floor. Very nice!



I'm not sure what year it is but the license plate said 1938. To me the look says something else. Whatever it is, it was way cool looking and I'd take it in a heartbeat.


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