After cutting the cable to length, I
needed to crimp the end on it that goes to the starter. I didn't have a professional
crimp tool so I made do with what I had. What I came up with was two
3/16" dowel pins taped to the vice jaws in line with each

Here you can see what I mean a little
better. All that was needed was to tighten the vice till I had a good
size dent on both sides and that should do it.

This is what it looks like with the
crimp in it. Looks like I used a tool that was made for it!! The red
piece is the insulation that came off the end of the cable after
striping it. This stuff is THICK to say the least. Nice to know that the
wire inside is so well protected.

This is the battery cable all clamped
in place next to the fuel line. Those double clamps sure do work nice.
The reason the cable is at an angle is because it's running in back of
the fuel pump. Time to hook-up the ground wire next and then mount the
fuel cell.

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