This should keep things from falling
apart or bending now. By adding the two 1/8" X 1" pieces, this
will be one strong box now.

Here you can see the Interstate
battery installed and is just about ready to roll. I need to make a
hold-down strap to go from the battery down to the angled pieces still
and that should do it. Let's cut and fit some battery cable now shall

The battery cable I'm using is made by
like my wiring harness. It seems like, if it has wire in it, Painless
sells it. This is #1 fine stranded cable 20 feet long for the positive
side and 3 feet long for the ground. The battery terminals are already
installed for you but you have to put on the other ends yourself after
cutting it to length.

After lying on my back for hours
installing wire clamps to hold the cable against the frame, making sure
it wasn't going to be in the way of the fuel line or anything else, I
marked the place to cut it. Now I don't want to cut this to short
because I'm not going to be able to splice this together like smaller
wire. That meant measuring twice and cutting once. Using a hack-saw
worked great for this.

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