Here is the first one of the four to
be welded on. Now the first one was easy but lining up the others

Here you can see all of them welded on
and ready for some bolts. The trick to lining up all the holes was done
one at a time. I drilled the hole in the brace on the box first and then
installed a bolt through it to hold the spacer on. This gave me the
location that I needed so things would line-up. After the two were held
together with the bolts, I clamped the assembly to the chassis and tack
welded the spacer. By doing this one spacer at a time, they all lined up

Here you can see how the box all
bolted up. Speaking of bolts, these are grade 8 fasteners that are being
used. Now this will all be covered later by a body panel. Well I had
planed to cut a hole in the trunk to access the battery from the top so
I needed to put the battery in place to mark some lines. Wouldn't you
know it, I missed the dimension by 1/8" and the battery wouldn't go
in. The hole in the trunk would have to wait till I could get the
battery in the box so out came the grinding wheel.

I removed the front lip from the angle
in front and smoothed out the rough edges. I have to say that this is
much easier to get that lead weight in there now. Because of the weight
of the battery hanging on just those two uprights, I needed to strengthen
things a little.

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