33 Coupe Fuel System 15
Here you can see the vent line clamped
to my new piece. This won't be visible after the floor is in so the if
things look a little crude, this is why.

And a shot from under the car. This
looks much better than if a piece of hose were sticking out. The nut
that you see next to the vent is one of the three rear bolts holding down
the floor of the trunk.

I notched the floor out for the line
to fit through. This makes it easy to work on and get at if need
be. The wires for the sending unit will pass through here

At this point, the fuel system is
almost complete and you can see what it looks with
the vent tube is in place along with the wires for the sending unit. The
last thing I have to do to the fuel system is work on the fuel pressure
gage and isolator. After that, the fuel system will be done. The
wiring for the rear of the car along with the fuel pump runs along the frame rail like the fuel line
does and then up through a hole in the floor of the trunk. The wires that come
through the trunk are for the tail lights, brake lights, fuel sending
unit, ground and a few that
will be going to the interior. While we're on the subject of wires, lets go back and finish the
battery box installation.

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